The chamber is designed for protecting sensitive circuits from unwanted parasitic magnetic fields. Applications include power inverters, magnetic sensors, magnetic immunity, and EMI.
Parameter | Typical Value | Unit |
Relative Permeability | 100.000 | a.u. |
Initial Relative Permeability | 7000 | a.u. |
Saturation Flux Density | 1 | T |
Hysteresis | 2.8 | A/m |
Curie Temperature | 450 | degC |
Chamber specification1 | P-[D]- | -[H]- | -[T]- | -di |
P-14-14-0.5 (order code example) | D=14 | H=14 | T=0.5 | di=2 |
1 Standard version contains 48% Ni; others on request
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